
Get a full overview of production time, service interval, idling times, fuel consumption and where all your equipment is. Identify deviations before there’s even a problem.

  • Detailed diagnostics via CAN connection
  • Real time production data
  • Position and machine status
Lukas Ivarsson Infobric Fleet

Get a free trial or book a meeting today and I will be happy to tell you more.

Lukas Ivarsson
Customer Specialist
0589-123 70

How Ease Fleet works


Monitor and ensure exploitation of your entire machine fleet, regardless of machine type. See where your machines are and monitor motor running times and fuel consumption.

Upptäck ett digitalt flöde för hela maskinparken

Ease Production analysis

Analyze important KPI:s

Make decisions that will reduce wear and tear, increase productivity, and save fuel – with the help of data direct from your machines.

Produktions i dator

Ease Track & trace

Keep track of your assets

Your machines, cars, tools, and equipment – all in a searchable map view with real-time updates.

Ease Service & maintenance

Well oiled machine park

Automate service and maintenance with a digital tool and receive notifications for alerts, error codes, inspections and service issues.

Digital hantering av service och besiktning för maskiner och fordon

We have between ten and twelve different types of machines and want to be able to compare them based on similar requirements.

More solutions from Infobric Fleet

Ease Track and trace

Your cars, machines, tools and equipment – enjoy all your assets in a searchable and real time visualized digital map.

Ease Tools & assets

Stop searching for your company’s tools and equipment and save time.

Daily inspection

Digital self-check for every kind of machine

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