Model description
A battery-powered device that does not require external power. Up to a year’s battery life when in position once a day. Choose yourself how often position data should be sent. Perfect device if you have equipment that you are afraid of and want to know where it is.
Product type
Asset Tracker
Model name
51 x 30 x 87 mm (L x W x H)
Variants that can be configured
Choose yourself how often the device should transmit position. The device automatically sends positioning data when the machine stops, i.e. it has stopped vibrating.
Voltage supply
Internal rechargeable battery with up to one year of battery life with one transmission per day.
Charging the battery
You charge the battery wirelessly through a QI charger that you can buy from us or from another supplier. Charger sold separately.
Environmental durability
Water and dust resistant according to IP67 (IEC 60529)
4G Cat M1 or GSM/GPRS for data to Infobric Fleet
Automatiserar manuellt arbete för förare, fordonsansvarig och ekonomi. Med vårt kompletta fordonsregister kan du enkelt hanterar serviceärenden, fordonskostnader, elektroniska körjournaler och mycket mer.
En batteridriven enhet som inte kräver extern ström. Den skickar sin position en gång per dygn och har tre års batteritid. Perfekt enhet om du har utrustning som du är...
En helhetslösning för full koll på utrustningen. Samla all data om dina maskiner, verktyg och annan utrustning i vår digitala plattform för bättre kontroll, översikt och effektivitet i din resurshantering...